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4 Courses 4 Categories

21 Courses
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Modified 15 February 2024

Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina
14 Courses
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Modified 23 April 2024

Fakulti Pengajian Islam
0 Courses
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Modified 27 June 2024

Fakulti Pegigian
0 Courses
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Modified 9 September 2024

Bengkel MC FPI - 10/9/2024
Micro-Credential Unstructured and Structured Data Analysis
Bengkel LMS
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Bengkel LMS

Micro-Credential Unstructured and Structured Data Analysis

Module Info

Course Name
Module Title :  
Module Code :
Credit Hours :
Learning Mode
Entry Requirement :  
Registration Date :  
Module Synopsis : This module introduces students to the basic concepts of Marketing, the importance of strategic planning and elements in the marketing environment.
Module Learning Outcomes :
MLO 1 example: Describes the basic concepts in marketing
MLO 2 example: Identify the element in the strategic planning and marketing environment.
Fee :  
Lecturer's Name :  

Bengkel LMS
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Testing - Admin

Module Info

Course Name
Module Title: 
Module Code:
Credit Hours:
Learning Mode
Entry Requirement: 
Registration Date: 
Module Synopsis:This module introduces students to the basic concepts of Marketing, the importance of strategic planning and elements in the marketing environment.
Module Learning Outcomes:
MLO 1example: Describes the basic concepts in marketing
MLO 2example: Identify the element in the strategic planning and marketing environment.
Lecturer's Name: 

Bengkel LMS
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Teacher: Prof. Madya Dr. Fariza Binti KhalidTeacher: zulfarina zul

Kuasai Micro-credential dalam Lima Hari

Modul ini memberikan pendedahan tentang konsep Micro-credential serta Falsafah Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat yang boleh dicapai melalui penawaran Micro-credential.

Bengkel LMS
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Asas Nanoperanti Modul 4

Module Info

Course Name
Module Title :  
Module Code :
Credit Hours :
Learning Mode
Entry Requirement :  
Registration Date :  
Module Synopsis : This module introduces students to the basic concepts of Marketing, the importance of strategic planning and elements in the marketing environment.
Module Learning Outcomes :
MLO 1 example: Describes the basic concepts in marketing
MLO 2 example: Identify the element in the strategic planning and marketing environment.
Fee :  
Lecturer's Name :